Mobile RF Centers
Agility and Flexibility

Our mobile RF production units are readily available to supply HD video and audio support environments to any production. From reality TV shows to major sporting events, our mobile units are highly adaptable and provide the most reliable deployment of AVS technology.

15' Mobile Unit


RF-2 supports productions where six or fewer RF cameras are needed and will accommodate twelve wireless microphone channels, four IFB, eight PLs, and has a 45-foot air mast.

53' Mobile Unit


RF-3 is the flagship of the AVS mobile production fleet. Within its 53-foot length, RF-3 contains four separate production and technical rooms that enable the AVS team to not only operate its HD equipment in the field, but also work most effectively with your producers and talent.

The technical features of RF-3 allow AVS to monitor, control, and switch wireless microphones and HD cameras, establish site-wide radio communications, and route fiber-optic feeds between other production trucks. RF-3's 60-foot air mast allows AVS to lay out strong and unobstructed RF paths, and its workshop areas provide sufficient space to manage radio assignments and assemble wireless audio and video packs. In addition to the technical sections, a private green room offers space to prepare talent equipment and provide comfortable accommodations between calls.